Sunday 3 July 2016

5 steps to grow your Small Business

"Unless you are quite happy just ticking over, it is likely that you will be looking for ways to develop and grow your business"

These are 5 steps to grow you small business:
  • Review your business strategy - Regular evaluation of your marketable strategy empowers you to measure your business progress. Are you achieving your objectives?  Reevaluate where you need to be this time one year from now and choose how you'll arrive, involve workers if you have. Set new goals and development strategies, if important.
  • Keep sound cash flow - Solid finance support solid development, so look at your income projections for the year ahead. Are there any potential issues that could hinder your desire or threaten your survival, if you have any cash flow problem you need to consider and fix it and you need to do cash projection periodically.
  • Target new customers- Targeting new customers is an important part of any business growth, some business rely only on the loyalty of few customers which will prove to be dangerous in long term. Think about new ways in which you can reach new customers and make plans on how to target them.
  • Promote yourself on line- Though you don't sell your product on line but still you can promote your product online. Nowadays every business has it's website, make such a website which will represent your business efficiently. Social media plays an important role in promoting any business and it's the best way to interact  will new customers for instance you can make your company profile page on Face book in order to know demands of the people.
  • Bring in new people: Business might not be able to recruit new people but, if u can than recruit new people which can bring new ideas that can benefit your business and make your business more profitable.


Saturday 2 July 2016

10 Small Business Marketing Tips and Tricks

  1) Know you Customer:

  • Describe why they want to buy your product?
  • When you know the motivation, you can target the product to the correct customer base.

  2) Create a Survey:

  • Create a survey and mail it to your potential customers to know what motivates them to buy your product.
  • Promote your product by giving special offers or coupons or tell them about your product that they can give themselves as a gift.

  3) Two set Approach:

  • Step 1: To show your expertise offer free "fact Sheet" to your customers.
  • Step 2: Add these Customers to your mailing list and mail them often.

  4) Promote Current Events:

  • Promote your product in a better way by doing Tie-up with trends and current event programs like Olympics, World Series etc.
  • One can gain valuable credibility by association with known group.

  5) Business Cards:

  • Make a memorable business card make your small business card your mini-brochure. To make it more attractive use different shades, back of the card for more information.
  • Give several cards to business associates who might be able to promote your business. Give a card to everyone you meet, and put one in every letter

 6) Three secret of marketing:

  • you must be consistent. Why does McDonalds advertise every day on every channel? Is there anyone in the USA who hasn't heard of McDonalds? The marketing message must be constantly reinforced. Your customers will forget you if they don't hear from you.

 7)  Use One media use to direct your customers:

  • Media plays an important role in order to advertise product to reach your target market for instance if target market is teens is with radio or face book.

8) Use Supplier and Vendor for information:

  • Talk to your suppliers and salespeople who call on you, they know more about your competition than anyone else.

9) Track clients special requests:

  • Create a special form in order to track special request from your customers regarding the product or some special services and weather you can meet these requests or not.
  • when you keep track periodically you can study these forms and analyze your customers interest in your new product or service that your could offer.

 10) Be an expert:

  • offer Seminars, seminars help cement relations with current customers, attract prospects, and increase your company's exposure.
  • Follow-up with attendees by mail or in person.


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